تحميل مجاناً مقطوعة Arts و شفافة.backgrounds Images about أرنب
A أرنب يكون a small ثديي belonging to ال عائلة Leporidae Rabbits are known الى هم طويل آذان large hind أرجل و ناعم fur هم quick movements و ability to hop are مفتاح traits that help لهم evade predators Rabbits are herbivores إطعام primarily على grasses herbs و خضروات They have a specialized digestive نظام that allows لهم to efficiently process plant مادة و they often chew و re chew هم طعام to aid in digestion Rabbits are social حيوانات often living in groups called warrens in ال wild They communicate مع كل آخر خلال مختلف behaviors such كـ thumping هم hind أرجل to warn من danger و الاهتمام بالمظهر كل آخر to build bonds In domestic settings rabbits are شائع pets due to هم gentle طبيعة و playful personalities They require a lot من رعاية تتضمن a proper نظام غذائي regular exercise و a safe living environment