تحميل مجاناً مقطوعة Arts و شفافة.backgrounds Images about حيوانات
حيوانات are living organisms that belong to ال biological kingdom Animalia They are characterized بواسطة هم ability to move respond to stimuli و consume عضوي matter الى طاقة حيوانات exist in متنوعة habitats تتضمن land water و هواء كل adapted to هم environment خلال unique physical و behavioral traits Mammals such كـ lions elephants و dolphins are warm blooded و يعطي birth to العمر شاب They often have fur or شعر و يُطعم هم offspring مع حليب طيور تتضمن eagles ببغاوات و penguins have feathers beaks و ال ability to fly though some species are flightless Reptiles مثل snakes lizards و turtles are cold blooded و have scaly skin They lay بيض و rely على external حرارة sources to regulate هم جسم temperature Amphibians تتضمن frogs salamanders و newts علبة العمر كلا in water و على land undergoing metamorphosis from larvae to adults Fish such كـ sharks salmon و سمكة ذهبية are aquatic حيوانات that breathe خلال gills و move using fins They inhabit freshwater و saltwater environments Insects مثل butterflies ants و beetles have segmented bodies exoskeletons و play crucial roles in ecosystems خلال pollination و decomposition Animals contribute to biodiversity بواسطة maintaining ecological balance They serve كـ companions sources من طعام و inspiration الى scientific بحث هم behaviors adaptations و interactions مع ال environment showcase ال complexity و الجمال من ال طبيعي world